Monday, January 18, 2010

A Problem Encountered and How I Solved It - 1st Day of Secondary School

Everybody is bound to face many problems in their lives. Some may be bigger than others, some are smaller. Whether is it a personal problem or a common problem, we all have problems. I am no exception. I have faced many problems in my life. For example, my first day of my new secondary school. You may not think this is a big problem, but to me, it’s a HUGE problem. I knew nobody! But this problem is different from others. There was only one way to solve it. And that is to make some new friends.

Fortunately, one of my primary school friends happens to be in my class. That is a huge relief for me as I knew no one else in my class! I looked around. Most of my classmates seemed to be facing the same problem as me. But, all this changed slightly when it was time for the first lesson. It was with our senior schoolmates. The first thing they did was to ask us to introduce ourselves to one another. Of course, everybody was reluctant to do so as we did not know each other quite well. (Although that was the exact reason why we were doing it).

After four periods, it was time for recess. During recess I decided to make some new friends. At first, I was a bit shy. But after some time, I managed to start a conversation with one of my classmate. My first new friend!☺ We talked and shared with each other about our likings and found out that we had quite a bit in common.
After the next half a month, I made a whole group of new friends and I am proud of it. So did most of the class. I was happy that I am able to fit into the class.

And that’s my first day of school in my new school.☺