Saturday, January 16, 2010

Special Moment With My Family - The 16th of January

Spending time with your family is very important. For every family, there is always a special day to spend time together. For my family, the sixteenth of January is one of the most important days of the year (which also happens to be today). The sixteenth of January is my mother's birthday. Coincidentally it is also my birthday.☺ And if that's not important enough, it is also my parent's wedding anniversary. So, as you can see, the sixteenth of January is indeed a very special day for my family.

To celebrate such a rare and special event, my cousins and their parents are invited to come and celebrate this joyous event with us at a seafood restaurant. This is a rare occasion as my cousins and I live very far away each other. Unfortunately, two days before my birthday, my eye started to swell and i was unable to go to school. Because of this, I had to stay away from the crabs and other expensive seafood as the doctor said it will only irritate the eye further.
Nevertheless getting to meet my cousins was a great present itself.

After the great food, we went to the nearby arcade and had lots of fun family bonding time. Finally after playing, we went for a long stroll along the nearby beach until it started to get dark. That was when we had to say goodbye to my cousins.I will be looking forward to the next time we meet.