Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Something That I Like To Do Alone - Playing The Piano

Everyone has something that they like to do alone. Some like to spend their time reading or listening to music, while others just like gazing at the sky doing nothing at all. Like spending time with your friends and family, spending time alone is equally important. Sure, you enjoy being social, being productive at school, spending time with your family, and all that. But meanwhile, your personality might be sliding out from under you. Without a little time to do what you like, you will end up leading a life with no “you” in it. So as you can see, meaningful alone-time is a powerful need and a necessary tonic in today’s rapid-fire world. So, set aside your busy schedule and get re-acquainted with yourself. Looking at solitude from a fresh angle, you will easily recognize its many benefits.

For me, it’s playing the piano. I like to play the piano when I am alone. Why? Because, I have been learning to play the piano since young and I enjoy it very much. And ever since then, playing the piano has been one of my favorite hobbies. What’s the difference between playing the piano when you are alone compared to playing it in a group? Well, you won’t have to worry about what people would think of your playing. In a group, I have encountered people that do not appreciate the piece and other people that interrupt the playing. A piano isn’t made for more than one pair of hands!

Playing the piano has many benefits for me. Firstly, if you excel in music, it is definitely something to be proud of.☺ Secondly, I enjoy playing the piano and it helps me relax and wind down after a busy week. It is also a HUGE help for my CCA (Concert Band). The piano background gives you the higher priority for the enrolment and the piano trainings help in finger speed, coordination and accuracy, subdivision, reading of score, and many others. Lastly it also helps me to appreciate other music periods other than just modern music. Like baroque, romantic and classical.

Therefore, this is why I like to play the piano alone.☺